Established in 1996,

More Smiles is the longest operating dental practice in Mountain Creek. All More Smiles dentists have many years of experience caring for patients and together with dedicated and well trained team members provide excellence in all areas of dentistry, exceptional customer service and dedication to infection control standards. Using state of the art dental technology for the best results, More Smiles is your dental practice for life.

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We are conveniently situated in the heart of Mountain Creek, directly opposite the Medical Centre and Woolworths, our purpose-built Dental Practice provides a friendly, caring environment – where your dental health is as important to us as it is to you. We take pride in helping you maintain your beautiful, healthy teeth.

Our friendly practice was architecturally designed for patient comfort, starting from the moment you drive into our spacious carpark, providing flat ample parking. Once inside, get comfy in our reception area with friendly faces to greet you. When it’s time for your appointment our caring clinical team will walk you to one of our treatment rooms, a choice of movie, video or TV channel is available to watch on the ceiling mounted TV, so you can relax while your treatment is underway. Your comfort is always our priority.

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Experienced Dental Practitioners:

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Dr Julee Birch

Why did you become a dentist?

I just knew that this was what I wanted to do. When I was a child our family dentist was very helpful to my family with my education. My parents were always very grateful to him for the help he gave me, so I guess that made being a dentist a desirable career choice in my eyes. I was about 14 or 15 when I decided that I wanted to be a dentist and from then on that was all I ever wanted to do.

Favourite thing? Probably all the people I have been seeing for so many years. I love being a part of their ‘family’ and knowing multiple generations of the same family. I love catching up with what they have been doing since I last saw them. I love being apart of their lives. Don’t get me wrong – I really like teeth! But I love that there’s a person attached to the tooth.

Captain of the Starship Enterprise. No seriously… I would be an astronaut.

Reading a book or at the gym or riding my bike or walking my dog. Lotsa places it appears!

I wish people knew that it upsets dentists to be told ‘I hate the dentist’ by a patient even before an appointment, sometimes even before hello! Dentists know we are doing a valuable job for you, your overall dental health and your overall general health. I love my job and seeing the positive results I can provide for my patients.

  • The Princess Bride
  • Star Wars (the original one…not all the new ones)

Both. They’re snacks!

Paris – nope, never been..

Seeing wild animals on Safari in Africa

Morning. Up early and like to get things done.

Why did you become a dentist?

I was always interested in science and health and Dentistry seemed like a good idea at the time.

Meeting and getting to know my patients along with looking after their dental care.

Flossing does actually work!!

Forest Gump

Definitely sweet

Galapagos Islands

Backpacking around Europe with friends many years ago

As long as its after 8am and there’s coffee.

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Dr Eve Burbidge

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Dr Simon Friend

Why did you become a dentist?

Unlike many of my peers I didn’t have a clear idea of my career pathway through my schooling years. What I did know is that I wanted a career that would genuinely help people. I loved art and being creative with my hands which led me to a stint in work experience as an Architect. Although enjoying the experience I ended up looking in the opposite direction in the health care sector and what better field than dentistry – an area I could truly help people and use my hands and a little of my artistic flare. I haven’t looked back since.

Being able to use my skillset to truly help people whether that be enabling them to smile again or simply relieve pain.

A freelance artist travelling the world surfing and fishing.

Busy spending time with my wife and three children. Any spare time is spent with trips to the beach, surfing, and fishing, camping and travelling to new places that ideally have a mix of the above.

Under the mask we are human too!!

No one favourite, I enjoy a wide genre but action/suspense and sporting are probably my go to!

Definitely savoury and spicy.

To see more of Europe especially on a cultural and historical level.

I make sure I make the most of each and every holiday so there are many favourites but probably travelling overland through Africa and travelling around Australia are my standouts.

Definitely more productive in the morning. I have always woken with the sun (and even earlier since children) – seeing the sunrise is such an energising part of the day, especially if you’re out surfing or fishing but if not it fuels you for work or the long list of to-do’s.

Why did you become a dentist?

I love art and science and everything in between, so dentistry seemed like a great middle ground.

A cake maker, or fine painter.

Camping, fishing or reading.

Mario Kart on the Nintendo switch. My three year old beats me routinely.

Definitely a morning person. Up at 4:30am for the gym and go from there!

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Dr Joni Neal

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Dr Gerry Little

Why did you become a dentist?

Working previously as a research scientist and lecturer in the medical faculty at Newcastle University, it was becoming harder to procure research funds, as successive Federal Governments reduced University funding. I wanted to be able to help people through my research and after many discussions with health professionals I chose Dentistry ahead of Medicine and Physiotherapy as my new career.

Dentistry allows me to care for people in many ways, such as; relieving toothache pain, restoring teeth damaged through trauma or decay, through to educating and encouraging people to adopt a preventative approach to their oral health.

A marine mammologist research scientist

Either in the ocean surfing with good friends, swimming in the pool, or playing guitar.

Dental Surgeons have been trained to provide oral health care. This doesn’t mean we are restricted to looking solely after teeth, we are able to make assessments of all oral structures. For example, a Dental Surgeon will most likely be the first to diagnose oral cancer.

The Lord of the Rings.

As I gain more maturity in life, savoury snacks are my favourites, unless Lindt chocolates are being offered!

The Kimberley region of Australia.

A wedding anniversary many years ago sailboarding at Wallis Lake, NSW.

Playing music

Having been a swimmer as a kid, and then a lifelong surfer, my body clock is tuned to being awake and active in the morning!

Why did you become a dentist?

I loved science at school but like many kids, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do as a career. I enrolled in a science degree and from there I eventually ended up doing dentistry. To be honest it just all seemed to happen, next thing I graduated and have been a dentist ever since. Lucky for me I absolutely love it! Obviously there is a strong science component behind it that I love but there is a very strong caring side that I find both enjoyable and fulfilling.

Dental needs change throughout people’s lives and I love being a part of that journey with my patients. I get to know my patients over the years and feeling that connection is one of the most satisfying parts of my job. Another aspect that I absolutely love is seeing a highly anxious patient gain trust in me and slowly start feeling safe in my care. I see nervous patients quite regularly and with understanding, explanations, patience and kindness, they may not ever love coming to the dentist but they do eventually lose the hate and dread when coming to see me. That is one of the best parts of my job.

A marine biologist working on the Great Barrier Reef.

When I’m not at More Smiles I’m outside at the beach with my husband and kids, camping, fishing or in our kitchen baking treats.

I wish people knew that dentists are really trying to help them, not inflict pain on them. The last thing we ever want is for something to hurt our patients.

My favourite movie is….HOP. I watch it every Easter with my son. It’s possibly the tradition that I like more than the movie. I’m not really a big movie person.

Savoury then sweet, why only stick to one type?

My husband and I traveled around Australia before having kids, I’d love to do it again once the kids have all grown up.

A wedding anniversary many years ago sailboarding at Wallis Lake, NSW.

Heron Island is my favourite holiday destination. I would live there if I could!

Dr Jodee Friend

Dr jodee friend

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Mrs Skye Beanham

What is your favourite thing about being a hygienist?

Seeing a change in patient’s periodontal health. This is so rewarding, even more rewarding when the patients have noticed such a change.

A police officer.

With me two babies at the pool or beach.

Sweet hehe

Tough one. Santorini and the Maldives are my two favourite.

Singing!! I wish I could sing.

Definitely morning.

What is your favourite thing about being a hygienist?

I wanted a job where I could directly help people have a better life.

An architect

In my garden, creating art, bushwalking or 4X4 driving.

Savory – Cheese

Nurturing fearful patients and helping them gain confidence to return for their dental visits.

Singing……(it doesn’t stop me)

We hate having our teeth cleaned too!!

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Mrs Fiona Goad

What is your favourite thing about being a Prosthetist?

I enjoy the fabrication element along with my patient interactions and helping them.

A Marine Biologist.

On my Surf Ski


Definitely a morning person.

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Mr Tony Jardim

Dedicated Staff:

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More Smiles has a dedicated team of front office coordinators and dental assistants providing genuine, expert, friendly care to you, your family and your teeth.
Our friendly front office team are here to welcome you to our practice and to help with any enquiries or appointments. They will be happy to ensure your comfort in our spacious reception area.
When it’s time, one of our caring clinical team will collect you for your appointment and escort you to the treatment room, making sure you are settled and comfortable